Thursday, June 19, 2008

I am fucking disgusted. Disgusted by how adults in their mid-20s can get so motherfucking childish. It was just a game of DotA, "DotA" for fucks sake and you cunts have to create a whole fucking "whoo-ha!" out of it. For the love of god, grow up. You motherfucking sons-of-bitches are fucking thankful I was in a stupid state of confusion to say anything and walked off instead, you fuckers are fucking lucky. Cause if I didn't, you guys would have gave beating up this "defenseless-19-year-old" a thought, and if that were have to come to past, even your fucking homes won't be safe. This "defenseless weakling" happens to know people who would back him up. Then again, I don't have to show that I even consider resolving matters with brute and childish violence.

It's an utter pity I didn't get my chance to slaughter your entire families and fuck you guys with the corpses. Instead I'm here complaining to an online text space. Count your blessings. Oh and since I'm already at it, I might as well bitch with no outcome of how you wanks should stop the whole British talk. It isn't cool, half of you guys are Indians for fucks sake, INDIANS and not fucking British, act like one, it's cooler that way. And just remember, you fuckers were mocking a 19year old, someone barely a young adult. Even I feel sorry for you guys...picking on people not of anyone of your level. Then again, I'm not even close to your standards because it's too damn low for me to even bother trying to comprehend.

Ni na bu ji bai, lim peh kan pua du lan.


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